Like all other developments, technology has improved hearing aids significantly over the last few years. Once, hearing aids were just simple hearing devices with four major components: microphone, processor, speaker, and power source. Today’s hearing aids are far from simple as they come in a variety of styles and offer a multitude of features. New hearing aids have made it easy to communicate in difficult listening environments for people with hearing loss. This advancement has given hearing aids a makeover. Rather than bulky hearing aids, technology has made possible to wear cool and stylish hearing aids

Features of Hearing Aids

Hearing aids provide the customer with additional features which assist them in different communication situations. The following article points out some of the best hearing aid features that people can take advantage of to make their hearing experience better.

Directional Microphone

Directional Microphones help you communicate better in noisy environments. The directional microphones automatically reduce the sensitivity of rear microphones so that the front microphone can boost the sound. In this way, the background noise is reduced making it easy for the person to understand the speech in front of him in a noisy environment. 


Telecoils are helpful in eliminating the potential feedback by improving the signal-to-noise ratio.

Telecoil allows better hearing by amplifying the sound over the background noise. Hearing aids have settings that you change to ‘T’ for Telecoil. The voice of the speaker, whatever the distance, is amplified significantly more than the other background noises making it easier to hear in environments such as auditoriums, churches, theaters, etc. 

Feedback Suppression

One of the most important features of Hearing Aids is feedback suppression. As the name suggests this feature suppresses the acoustic feedback that usually occurs when your hearing aid gets too close to the phone or has loose earmolds. The feedback creates an annoying whistling sound in your ear. Feedback management systems combat this feedback and reduce or eliminate this whistling without compromising the amplification of hearing aids. Acuity duo wireless stereo assistive hearing amplified earphones by Hear+Hi offer feedback suppression. They contain a digital chip that strengthens the human voice and weakens the other environmental noise. 

Noise Reduction

The noise reduction feature of Hearing Aids is seen as an important feature. The noise reduction system analyzes the sound signals to determine if the signal contains any noise that is unwanted by the hearer. If any such noise is detected, then this feature decreases the volume of that noise. This feature is highly desired by people wearing hearing aids as it provides a comfortable listening experience. Hear+Hi presents acuity wireless digital hearing amplifier earphones that contains the noise reduction feature. 

Wind Reduction

Another hearing aid feature is a wind reduction impulse that detects the impact of wind and its sound across the microphones and then reduces its amplification. This feature is especially suitable for people who spend most of their time outdoors. 

Rechargeable Batteries

A simple feature, but a lifesaver in modern-day. Increasingly hearing aids are coming with rechargeable batteries. This allows the users to avoid swapping out tiny batteries every few days. Only a few hearing aids have this feature available. The hearing aid products on Hear+Hi all come with rechargeable batteries in charging cases. 

Bluetooth Connectivity

Bluetooth is a wireless feature that enables your hearing aid to connect to your mobile phone and other devices such as television, tablet, laptop, etc. Through Bluetooth connectivity, you can experience an improved signal-to-noise ratio as the sound signal bypasses the microphone and goes directly into the hearing aid processor. Bluetooth connection reduces feedback and interference which results in a better listening experience. The products that are available on Hear+Hi provide customers with wireless connectivity through which you can use your hearing aid to stream phone calls.

Acuity Wireless RIC Digital Hearing Amplifier Earphones (MFI)

Artificial Intelligence

Some premium hearing aids come with artificial intelligence which enables the hearing aids to learn your preferences. When you log volume control settings or other program preferences, the hearing aids begin to make these changes automatically when a specific environment is detected. This feature allows the hearing aid to mimic how your brain would hear sound in different environments. 

Multiple Channels

Many digital hearing aids come with multiple listening programs which are stored in the hearing aid. These programs use different microphones or settings to use in different places or different noise environments. Having the choice of multiple channels is good if your hearing fluctuates or if you have a complex hearing profile.

Tinnitus Relief

The tinnitus masking feature emits soothing sounds to mask the tinnitus, or ringing and buzzing sound, in your ears. The hearing aid needs to be programmed with this feature to reduce tinnitus symptoms. 

Smartphone Apps

One of the most recent technologies in modern hearing aids is its compatibility with smartphone apps. Smartphone apps allow users to make adjustments to their hearing aids, monitor the battery, and much more. Smartphone apps also redirect phone calls and sound sources directly into your hearing aid.

Acuity TWS hearing amplifiers, personalized hearing tests, hearing aids, hear+hi

“My Hearing Acuity” App to connect your hearing aid and control them through your phone

Many hearing device manufacturers today have developed smartphone apps that connect to your hearing aid. Hear+hi offers the “My Hearing Acuity” App which is available on google and the apple APP store. This app allows the user to do a hearing test themselves with their Bluetooth earphones. This app also provides you with a medical professional to discuss any hearing issue.  The benefit of this app is that you don't need to visit an audiologist for your hearing test and appointments. You can do the test yourself and the app determines the user’s hearing profile and updates the settings in your hearing aid.

There are many different hearing aids features out there for you, but the most important thing is to find the features that best suit your needs. 

The more complicated features like tinnitus relief or sound and wind reduction may allow your hearing aid to meet your pattern of hearing loss. Feedback reduction and directional headphones may improve your hearing in noisy environments. With wireless connectivity of Bluetooth, your hearing aid acts as your headset and provides a better hearing experience. However, the addition of these features might add to the cost of hearing aids as well. But with your hearing getting better and better, a little more money is definitely worth it.


What Are The Signal Processing Features Of Hearing Aids?

Digital sound processing (DSP) is a type of hearing aid in which sound signals are converted into digitized codes. Sound is analyzed with DSP. 

Why Is My Hearing Aid Whistling?

The disturbing whistling or hissing noise that you hear sometimes from your hearing aid is actually caused by feedback. Feedback happens when the sound signal escapes the ear canal and hits the microphone of the hearing aid. One way to solve this issue is to get more fitted earmolds for your hearing aid.